Mr. Fox tells his wife Felicity that she looks like she's glowing, a cut and she actually is glowing, lit from within. "Maybe it's the lighting." Mr Fox says, in Fantastic Mr. Fox
In La Belle Personne, a brief recap of the past. Two boys in a bathroom, one grabs the other, sneaking behind a car after gym class for a clandestine kiss. Secrets revealed that unintentionally and indirectly set a tragedy into motion.
Shoshanna Dreyfus balks at a Nazi war hero, "In France we respect directors." in Inglourious Basterds
Colonel Hans Landa's eyes shift like an animal stalking its prey, noticing a figure move rapidly beneath the floor boards. "There!" in Inglourious Basterds

The Erotic Connoisseur reads his review of his q-tip heavy meeting with an escort named Chelsea, quoting Misty Beethoven, music comes in under and then the song kicks in "Everyone one's a critic..." in The Girlfriend Experience
On stage at the Paris Opera Ballet, Madea bathes herself in blood, two dead children lay. With the opportunity to get as close as anyone would want to, Frederick Wiseman's camera keeps its distance, respecting the raw emotion of the performer in La Danse
The shadows of a husband and wife dance together on the wall behind them as the husband and wife no longer can, in Rumba
"Do fish have dreams?" in The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans
A boy plays the piano, in Tokyo Sonata
The human Orchestra in Bright Star
The 847 area code switchover is a plot point in The Informant! (It is also my area code)

Lorna gleefully chases Claudy on his bicycle, then a sudden jump in time. Lorna's Silence
Sugar gets off a bus in New York, no strings attached in Sugar
A poet practices laying out the breadth of pain in his country for a wandering boy in Munyurangabo
The poet in Welles' Shakespeare's Julius Caesar disappears in a crowd and the audience gasps in Me and Orson Welles
Naturally, "chaos reigns" in Antichrist
A cgi-enhanced part of the male body faces the camera and yells "Bruno!" in Bruno
Two soldiers play war in a parking lot in The Messenger
A woman blacks out a window with tape, and we see every second of the process. 15 people walk out, from the screening I saw of Face (Visage)

"Let me do that again, I fucked up." Seth Rogen's accidentally brilliant narration in Observe and Report
Two tycoons paw at each other like blubbery whales in extreme slow-motion at the start of Duplicity
A young couple stops and listens to a discussion on the degradation of their city, and the movie does too, in Medicine for Melancholy
The complainer finally calls his audience out and commands them to do something, in Capitalism: A Love Story
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